Taking responsibility - shaping the future

Company / Responsibility

For healthy living and working spaces

In the real estate industry, we are aware that global challenges such as climate change, social justice and healthy living and working conditions in cities and urban areas are crucial. As a company, we have a significant responsibility in tackling these issues. Our aim is to make an active contribution and work together with other initiatives and associations to create a sustainable, resilient and liveable city. Only through our commitment to the well-being of the environment and people can we achieve long-term success in harmony with a stable economic environment.

Because it

Committed to sustainability. The Becken Group is committed to environmental, social and good corporate governance (ESG). As an integrated real estate company, we recognize our responsibility towards the environment and society. Our aim is to make a sustainable, positive and measurable contribution to the future. We achieve this by integrating a comprehensive sustainability approach into all our business areas.


Read the Becken Group's ESG strategy now

ESG strategy of the Becken Group (PDF Download)

Member of leading associations and initiatives for sustainable real estate

As a company, we recognize the importance of sustainability in the real estate industry. That is why we are a proud member of national and international industry associations and organizations that are actively committed to sustainable solutions. Together with these organizations, we are committed to a sustainable real estate industry.

Our sustainability projects are supported by specialized consulting companies to ensure that we implement the best and most innovative solutions. By working with these experts, we as a company can make an effective contribution to the sustainable development of cities and urban areas.

Esplanade 41
20354 Hamburg
T: +49 40 237 840 10
E: info@becken.de

Hosting with 100% green electricity from renewable energies.